Trying to learn to cook healthy, cheaply and quickly. Here are some recipes I have compiled. Feel free to try some, give feedback, and share some of your own. :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Turkey Breakfast Sausage

4 lbs. of ground turkey
3 tsp. sea salt
2 tbsp. water
2 pinches of thyme
2 pinches of black pepper

Lay out the 4 lbs. of ground turkey on foil on cookie sheet.

Then add the water, salt, and spices. The important thing is to kneed everything into the meat and then make it into a perfect log.

Next wrap the foil around the log and poke holes throughout it.

Bake it at 300 degrees for about 2 hours and check the temperature--should be 165 degrees.

Cut them up into patties and freeze them for a great breakfast treat.

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